1. Non-strategic calls-to-action
Website copywriting should be like a gentle, guiding hand, taking your reader on a journey and at the end, doing one simple thing.
So, before you start writing, decide on a clear goal for each page of your website.
Is your intention to have your reader schedule a discovery call with you? Download a freebie? Subscribe to your email list?
Or is to encourage them to read your latest blog post or check out your products or services page?
Whatever your goal, the intention should be clear on every page of your website.
And the way to make that goal crystal clear to your website visitors is with simple, consistent, prominent call-to-action buttons that help them say “yes” the moment they’re ready.
This is especially important for specifically-focused pages like landing pages or sales pages.
Remember, choose one simple action you want your website visitors to take, but you can include more than one call-to-action button that allows them to do so.
So if the pages on your website are trying to have your dream clients check out your latest product or service, read more about you, AND subscribe to your email list right off the bat, you need to simplify.
Top tip …
How to write better copy:
Focus on ONE action you want your dream client to take and do a deep dive into the benefits of them taking that action.

2. Over-complicating the microcopy
We’re all for personalising the copy on your call-to-action buttons because there’s a whole bunch of studies that show that original copy will generally result in more clicks and in turn, more conversions of your dream clients.
But …
Remember that the copy on the buttons has to clearly say what you want your website visitor to do.
Here’s what we mean.
A call-to-action button that says “learn more about our services” will get far more clicks than a button that says, “yo dude, ‘s up?”
So, if your buttons are cutesy rather than crystal clear, they’ll get far fewer clicks, even if you think the copy’s clever.
The same holds true for microcopy all over your website! There’s a fine line between brand voice, and just plain old confusing.
The mark to aim for is to give people what they expect for navigation, technical information, and specific or complicated details, and then blow them away with the rest.
Keep in mind - people are busy! Don’t make your copy a puzzle to solve, because they’ll just leave.
Top tip …
How to write better copy:
Be specific on your call-to-action buttons. Studies show that clear and simple copy is going to do better than clever, cutesy alternatives.

3. Writing about yourself in the third person
So many business owners fall into the trap of writing about themselves in the third person, thinking it makes them sound more professional.
But please don’t do this!
You wouldn’t talk that way if you were introducing yourself to someone in person or over the phone, so definitely don’t do it when you’re introducing yourself on your website.
Remember, you are a real person talking to real people, and the best way to build trust and inspire confidence with your dream clients is through transparency, credibility, and authenticity.
So, the moral here is to save the third-person writing until you have a third person writing about you.
Top tip …
How to write better copy:
Speak directly to your dream clients using language that they relate to and resonate with. Being personal is a good thing!

4. Not considering copywriting when you design your website
This is a really common mistake!
Having an idea of your website copywriting and how the content will fit and speak to your audience is vital.
If you don’t, although the design of your homepage may be beautiful, if you haven’t planned out how your website copywriting is going to work with it, and it doesn’t talk about the products or services you offer, your dream clients won’t convert.
Full stop.
Top tip …
How to write better copy:
Plan your website messaging so you know how it will fit with your design (and this goes for blogs, emails, ads, brochures, anything really).

5. Burying the lead
It’s the golden rule, but it so often gets overlooked.
Your most important information should be in headers, subtitles, or if it’s in a paragraph, in bold.
A reader should be able to know the purpose of your copy or content within three seconds of opening it.
Don’t make them work for it, that’ll just turn people away. Not only is it annoying, but it gives the impression that you’re trying to hide the details or trick them somehow.
It’s always better to present it prominently and build on it with the rest of your messaging!
Top tip …
How to write better copy:
Lead off with the good stuff. You might be surprised at how often this step gets overlooked!

And there you have it: the 5 most common copywriting mistakes and how to avoid them!
Oh, and just before you go … don’t be a stranger.
We’d love to know what you found the most beneficial, and what other topics you’d like us to cover in the future.
And of course, if you don’t have time to DIY your website words, content creation, or brand strategy, we’d love to hear from you.